小说主人公是ha,the,at的书名叫《欧亨利短篇小说集(英文版)》,这本小说的作者是欧亨利创作的现代现代耽美、言情、纯爱类小说,情节引人入胜,非常推荐。主要讲的是:【About Henry】
O. Henry was the pen name of American writer William Sydney Port- er (September 11, 1862 – June 5, 1910).
O. Henry short stories are known for wit, wordplay, warm characterization and clever twist endings.
I suppose you know all about the stage and stage people. You've been touched with and by actors, and you read the newspaper criticisms and the jokes in the weeklies about the Rialto and the chorus girls and the long-haired tragedians. And I suppose that a condensed list of yo
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